Choose how your camera will communicate.
Select the resolution, pixel size, color format, and frame rate for your camera.
640x480pixel pitch = 7.4 μm
652x494pixel pitch = 7.4 μm
752x480pixel pitch = 6.0 μm
1024x1pixel pitch = 10.0 μm
1024x768pixel pitch = 4.7 μm
1024x1024pixel pitch = 5.5 μm
1392x1040pixel pitch = 4.7 μm
1396x1040pixel pitch = 6.5 μm
1600x1200pixel pitch = 5.5 μm
1628x1236pixel pitch = 4.4 μm
1920x1080pixel pitch = 5.5 μm
2048x1pixel pitch = 10.0 μm
2048x3pixel pitch = 10.0 μm
2048x2048pixel pitch = 7.4 μm
2336x1752pixel pitch = 5.5 μm
2448x2050pixel pitch = 3.5 μm
3296x2472pixel pitch = 5.5 μm
4096x1pixel pitch = 10.0 μm
Add optional capabilities to your camera.
Performance Bundles
Special Functions
Lens Mount
Camera Case
Add internal light controllers and auxiliary interfaces to your camera.
Local Power
Industrial Cases
IO Connectors